An Accident Prevention Plan (APP) is one of the first key documents to complete when starting up a new project. Employee safety comes first and a properly written APP outlines how managers and stakeholders are going to successfully manage safety requirements for all aspects of the project. An Accident Prevention Plan, however, requires a lot of work and research to effectively address all required activities, both individually and collectively. It’s that excessive amount of time most construction management professionals spend doing the mundane job of pushing paper instead of doing something more productive. Valuable hours that are lost forever, which ultimately hurts the company’s bottom line.
Want a better way? Here’s how Gadzoom can help:
Save Time
Gadzoom works by providing users with an
expansive library of customizable safety and administrative plans and AHAs to
choose from. Gadzoom has AHAs and safety plans for virtually every definable
feature of work or project requirement, all customizable to your specific
project needs. This creates a major time savings for contractors, eliminating
the need to set aside hundreds of hours just to put together documents for a single
Big or small, general contractors and subcontractors alike can benefit daily by
drastically reducing their workload and overhead costs while raising the
quality of their plans.
EM 385-1-1 Compliance
Not only is Gadzoom the only program of its type enabling the creation and management of safety and administrative documents, rest assured that our software is completely up to date with the ever-changing Government regulations. One error or missing piece of information can risk setting the project back weeks. We proudly stand by our product and can confirm that all of our documents, including our Accident Prevention Plans are OSHA and EM 385-1-1 compliant providing confidence documents will be done right the first time around.
Related article: What Are The Steps To Accident Prevention?
Thoughtful Features
Gadzoom’s proprietary software offers dozens of unique and time-saving features that allow users to create not only APPs but many other administrative and safety documents quickly and easily. Our program retains information, including resumes and certifications, for every key employee; meaning the next time you select an SSHO, simply point and click on his name and Gadzoom does the rest. Resumes and certifications are automatically inserted in the correct place and appointment letters automatically generate for appropriate signatures. The program also provides alerts if required safety training is out of date!
But it doesn’t stop there - Users are able to add or change the SSHO or other key personnel by a simple click of their names- add electronic signatures - and even insert all Activity Hazard Analysis documents in the APP electronically. Gadzoom gives construction teams never-before-seen administrative flexibility at their fingertips empowering teams to focus on the contract instead of getting caught up in paperwork - making everyone safer with the process.
Related article: What Business Are We Really In? Risk Management!
Get Your Documents & AHAs Online Using Gadzoom
Gadzoom enables you to generate important documents in minutes, giving you the freedom to run and manage your business without all the headaches that come with administrative responsibilities. Our company was born to make construction document management as streamlined as possible. Create a variety of government compliant safety and administrative documents at the touch of a button.
If you’re interested in learning more, visit our site today.
About Gadzoom
Gadzoom enables you to generate important documents in minutes, giving you the freedom to run and manage your business without all the headaches that come with administrative responsibilities. Our company was born to make construction document management as streamlined as possible. Create a variety of government compliant safety and administrative documents at the touch of a button. If you’re interested in learning more, visit our site today.